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Why You Should Choose ClearCorrect in Temple

December 4, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pazmino Team @ 7:41 pm

Why should I get ClearCorrect in Temple?You and your friends decided to get together for a game of basketball today, and it was a wonderful idea. The weather was just perfect and everyone had a great time. Now that the game is over, it’s time to relax, but your friends immediately take out their cameras and phones and ask everyone to stand together. You know that all of these pictures will soon be on social media, and many of them will include your crooked teeth. You’ve always been self-conscious about them, but you never could convince yourself that braces were right for you. They just seem like they’d be so uncomfortable, and they would make your teeth look awful, but what else can you do? Dr. Manuel Pazmino, Jr., wants you to know that you can now get the straighter smile you’ve always wanted with ClearCorrect in Temple.

What Is ClearCorrect?

For many years, the best way to straighten your teeth was considered to be metal braces. This is because they are able to handle a wide array of orthodontic issues, and are quite durable. However, one of their main drawbacks is that they overwhelmingly affect the one thing you are trying to improve: your appearance. The solution to this has been the invention of ClearCorrect. Rather than using unsightly brackets and wires, ClearCorrect uses clear plastic aligner trays to gently straighten your teeth. A series of trays is custom made for you, and each one is worn at a specific point in your treatment. You simply wear each aligner tray for about 22 hours a day for 2 weeks before progressing onto the next one. After you have worn them all, your smile will be completely straight.

ClearCorrect vs. Traditional Braces

Of course, the big question is how do metal braces compare to ClearCorrect clear braces in Temple? Here is how the two of them stack up against each other:

  • Appearance: ClearCorrect, as the name suggests, is nearly invisible when worn. You will probably be the only person who notices that you have a tray on, unlike with braces.
  • Removable: The trays easily slide on and off of your teeth. This means you can take them out whenever you need to eat or brush your teeth. This makes it much simpler for you to keep your teeth clean, and saves you from having to drastically change your diet.
  • Comfort: The smooth plastic of ClearCorrect is much more comfortable compared to braces, which often can irritate the tissue of your mouth and gums.
  • Time: Not only can ClearCorrect straighten your teeth faster than braces (in as little as 12-18 months), it also requires fewer visits to Dr. Pazmino, Jr. to monitor your progress. This can save you a lot of time over the course of your treatment.

Due to all of these benefits, this is why ClearCorrect is often the choice for adults looking to discreetly get orthodontic treatment.

How Can I Get ClearCorrect?

The first step to getting ClearCorrect is to visit Pazmino Dentistry. It is specially designed for each patient, which is why Dr. Pazmino, Jr. and Dr. Breya Pazmino will begin the process by taking a series of impressions, photos, and scans of your teeth. This will enable them to make sure that your trays fit properly and will guarantee the results you are looking for. They will show you how to put on the trays, as well as how to take care of them. After that, you only need to come into the office about once every 6 weeks to make sure everything is going to plan.

Start Today!

Your crooked teeth have affected your confidence long enough. You can start getting a straighter smile today without the look or hassle of braces, and in about 12 months, you will feel completely renewed.

If you’re ready for ClearCorrect to start improving your smile, please make an appointment today.

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